
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Welcome To My Adventure

Abingdon, VA
This is my new blog on one of my favorite topics... The outdoors.  I've been an outdoors-man my entire life.  My family's yearly vacation was a camping trip from the time I was a boy.  A tradition I plan to continue with my own family.  I joined the Cub Scouts in elementary school, and became an Eagle Scout at seventeen.  I was a member of an active troop whose years of outdoor education was priceless.  I am also a Veteran and survivalist.
For the past few years I've spent more time in big cities than in any other time in my life.  Two things have occurred to me.  First, I miss rural America.  No matter how big or beautiful, a city park can't quench that thirst for the American wilderness.  Second, I'm in shock at how many people have lost their connection to mother nature.  I'm baffled at how many adults I know who can't start a fire, have never been camping, or even spent a night outdoors. 
Mother Nature shapes our lives regardless of where we live.  Everyone from New York City to the hills of Eastern Tennessee can feel her touch.  She has an affect on politics, current events, our safety, and much more.  The purpose of this blog is simple.  I want to help educate both young people and adults about our true national treasures.  All across our country are nationally and state owned lands set aside for the specific purpose of your enjoyment and the preservation of wildlife.  I want to bring the outdoor experience to anyone who is curious.  I will post my excursions, offer helpful tips, and point out relevant news stories.  I look forward to sharing my adventure with you.