My Pack |
Paraffin Wax
Large Cardboard Egg Carton
Saw Dust (Enough to Fill The Egg Carton)
First, evenly spread the saw dust in the egg carton,
Next, You need to melt the wax.
You must begin with a few simple facts about wax. You do not want to use soy wax. This is a softer wax that will melt on hotter days. There is nothing worse than putting in this effort just to end up with an oily mess in a plastic bag. You'll want to use a refined or fully refined paraffin wax. Also, paraffin has a flash point of 184 to 199 degrees depending on how many additives it contains. So, use a wax thermometer and be safe.
Then, pour enough wax into each cup of the egg carton to fill it three quarters of the way.
Finally, cut out each individual cup of the egg carton once the wax has hardened.
These little cups may not look like much, but they work great. They light easily with smoldering tender, they burn for at least twenty minutes, and I've gotten them to light even when wet.
Next time I'm going to focus on building the perfect fire.
If you're ever in a pinch, you can always make a fire with steel wool and a 9 volt battery. Use steel wool with no soap, and touch it to both terminals on the 9 volt. The steel wool will begin to smolder, and you can use it to catch your tender on fire.