
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Glad It's Not Just Me!

I've been a touch concerned for about the past two years.  I've been noticing the weather and wondering, "Am I going crazy, or are the seasons becoming more extreme?"  After our fifth weekend snow storm in a row, I finally did some research.  I wasn't able to find much in American main stream media, but I did find some interesting articles about a recent experiment.  You can read about it yourself at The Register
The first thing I learned is that 2012 was the hottest year in American history.  Yes, you read that right.  The hottest year ever.  However, I don't really care about the heat right now (I'll worry about that in a couple of months).  I want to know where all this (expletive deleted) snow is coming from. 
Vladimir Petoukhov of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research explains that the Arctic is now closer in temperature to the areas around it.  The temperature difference creates wind which pushes air masses across our globe.  The bigger the temperature difference, the more wind you get, and the faster the weather travels around the world.  Makes sense, right?
Well, with the Arctic warming and a smaller temperature difference to the areas around it, the weather is slowing down and even stalling out in places.  Possibly right over your house.
The next time you are looking out the window and wondering if it's ever going to stop, the answer is.... Maybe not this time.
More to the point, this will affect most of my outdoor activities.  I am going to adjust my packing lists for more extreme weather, and be more aware of the local forecasts. 
I guess in the end, I am left with more questions than answers.  Will the media report on this research?  What are the effects on plant and animal life?  Are these changes temporary, or have we permanently damaged the Earth around us?